Wednesday, April 7, 2010

5 Things

Starting a gratitude journal:

It’s really basic. You list 5 things every day that you are grateful for in your life. If you do this every day with out fail, then you will begin to see a positive change in your attitude and outlook on life. The goal is to not get repetitive. So to achieve this goal, you will need to look for things to be thankful for.

Here are mine for today

1. To have my girlfriends at work to sit with when we have all day meetings. They lift my spirits.

2. To get a good morning message from Adam everyday. It starts my day on a happy note. It’s a sweet reminder that I am loved.

3. To have dogs up with the sun to greet me every morning. They wait patiently for me to wake up because they know I am not a morning person. It’s pretty funny.

4. To have a good company to work for and managers that care about our needs and concerns.

5. To be able to get what I need and to mostly get what I want too.

It is so easy for me to look at the day and find everything that is going wrong. If you find 5 things every day, then at the end of the year you will have discovered 1,825 things that you've found gratitude with in your life. Try it and tell me what you find.

Peace be with you,


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